We've come across a lot of resources as of late from Whitney Tilson and Glenn Tongue's hedge fund, T2 Partners. Below you will find their in-depth presentation on the bullish prospects for shares of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A / BRK.B). As we have detailed before, T2 believes Berkshire is undervalued. In fact, they are so confident in the opportunity Berkshire Hathaway presents that it is one of their largest positions which we learned upon reading T2's annual letter.
After publication of this analysis, it appears T2 has become even more bullish on the prospects for Warren Buffett's company. Recently, the 'B' shares of Berkshire (BRK.B) underwent a 50:1 stock split and it was also announced that they would be joining the S&P 500 index. This creates an influx of natural buyers as index funds will need to buy $38 billion worth of BRK.B, or around 23% of the shares outstanding.
Below you'll find hedge fund T2 Partners' analysis of Berkshire Hathaway:
You can download the presentation via .pdf here.
There you have it, an in-depth look at Warren Buffett's behemoth, Berkshire Hathaway. T2's Whitney Tilson and many other prominent hedge fund managers will be presenting investment ideas at the Value Investing Congress May 4th & 5th in Pasadena and we highly recommend attending. We've secured a discount to the event for our readers who can use discount code: P10MF5.
For more insight from Whitney Tilson and Glenn Tongue, head to our coverage of hedge fund T2 Partners.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Hedge Fund T2 Partners' Berkshire Hathaway Analysis (BRK.A/BRK.B)
berkshire hathaway,
t2 partners,
warren buffett,
whitney tilson
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