Nicola Horlick of Bramdean Asset Management at Sohn London Conference ~ market folly

Monday, November 26, 2012

Nicola Horlick of Bramdean Asset Management at Sohn London Conference

Continuing our series of notes from the Sohn London Investment Conference, next up is Nicola Horlick of Bramdean Asset Management.

When Nicola Horlick took to the stage at the Ira Sohn Conference in London, the audience was expecting her to pitch them a couple of good investment ideas. Instead, Horlick gave a graphic account of her eldest daughter, Georgie’s, struggle with leukemia.

Sadly, Georgie died  when she was only 12 years old. Horlick’s account was so powerful that when Jim Chanos stood up to speak shortly after, the toughest short seller in the business was visibly shaken and subdued.

Nicola Horlick’s presentation was a reminder of the importance of the work of the Ira Sohn  Foundation in the treatment and cure of pediatric cancer. More information about the work of The  Sohn Conference Foundation and where to donate are available here.

For the rest of the hedge fund presentations from this event, head to notes from Sohn London Investment Conference.