Expanding further upon 'document dissemination' day here at Market Folly, we'll turn next to JPMorgan & Cazenove's listed hedge funds dispatch report. Earlier today we've already posted up Credit Suisse's monthly hedge fund report as well as QB Asset Management's shadow price of gold report. The below document was produced by JPMorgan Cazenove in London and hasn't been produced in the United States, so this particular piece might be of more relevance to our UK based readers.
An interesting takeaway from their research is that in 2009, out of all the publicly listed hedge funds in the UK, Dan Loeb's Third Point was the best performing fund. For 2009, Third Point's listed product was up 41% compared to a gain of 20% for the HFRI Fund Weighted Composite.
We've of course covered Third Point's portfolio in-depth and just recently posted up one of their recent portfolio maneuvers. (Additionally, we've also posted up Third Point's commentary for those interested as well). Other solid performers in 2009 included Cayenne as well as Boussard & Gavaudan. Cazenove's research is an intriguing look at the listed hedge fund space with some comprehensive data.
Embedded below is the full report:
You can directly download the .pdf here.
Overall, Cazenove concluded that there are plenty of quality names in the listed hedge fund space and that these solid names will be "the bedrock for the sector's survival and growth." Be sure to check out all the rest of the hedge fund research we've been posting up recently.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Cazenove's Listed Hedge Funds Dispatch
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