Ex-Polar Capital star founds new hedge fund [FINalternatives]
Good presentation on Benjamin Graham's ideologies [ValuePlays]
Which prompted us to re-read through Graham's book, The Intelligent Investor [Ben Graham]
The mega bearish chart [dshort]
A random walk through secular bear markets [Trader's Narrative]
Thoughts for those buying BP [Big Picture]
A look at Seahawk Drilling (HAWK) [Greenbackd]
And also an analysis of Noble (NE) [Manual of Ideas]
Where is the commercial real estate crash? [Fortune]
A great resource for retail bond investors looking for quotes & transparency [InvestingInBonds]
Prominent hedge funds piece together succession plans [Business Week]
George Soros' recent speech claiming we're entering Act II of the crisis [Dealbook]
Chime in on what fellow blogger David Merkel should do next [Aleph Blog]
Another casino buy for John Paulson [Fortune]
How George Soros broke the Bank of England [TheAtlantic]
A BP dividend cut? Game theory [Financial Crookery]
In-depth look at Charles Schwab and retail investors [BusinessWeek]
Eddie Lampert's payout may shield him from tax increase [Bloomberg]
Julian Robertson's wife loses battle with cancer. Our condolences to him and his family [FINalternatives]
Hooked on gadgets & paying a mental price [NYTimes]