Steve Eisman to launch new fund in January [FINalternatives]
The case for Bank of America (BAC) as a 'terminal short' [Zero Hedge]
Why Netflix's Reed Hastings might be getting desperate [Benzinga]
The growing audience for dividends [Abnormal Returns]
Why eBay should spin-off PayPal [Motley Fool]
Is Klarman's Baupost seeking cash from investors? [Institutional Investor]
Fernandez leaves Fairholme Fund [Morningstar]
Uncovering hedge fund skill from holdings they hide [SSRN]
Paulson tells investors 'we made a mistake' [Dealbook]
Thaler's JAT Capital up 31% this year [SF Gate]
Scott Forstall, the sorcerer's apprentice at Apple [BusinessWeek]
Hedge fund guru warns of period of high inflation [Yorkshire Post]
Analyzing info from the Groupon IPO roadshow [Felix Salmon]
Kindger Morgan to buy El Paso for $21.1 billion [Dealbook]
Friday, October 21, 2011
What We're Reading ~ 10/21/11
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