What We're Reading ~ 3/28/12 ~ market folly

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What We're Reading ~ 3/28/12

Wisdom from Jason Zweig [Kirk Report]

35 years of Warren Buffett's greatest investing wisdom [Motley Fool]

Risk parity vs endowment model vs permanent portfolio [World Beta]

Mutual funds, track records & departing managers [Reformed Broker]

How FairholmeCap alums started GoodHaven Capital [Morningstar]

Also: The GoodHaven managers will be presenting at the Value Investing Congress

Hedge funds buying hand over fist [Business Insider]

Lowes Corp cheap on sum of the parts basis [Rational Walk]

Post-bankruptcy shares face headwinds [Gemfinder]

5 things learned about a career on Wall Street [Big Picture]

Warren Buffett's $50 billion decision [Forbes]

Charlie Munger on the perfect turnaround [Variant Perceptions]

The case for remaining long risk [Economic Musings]

On the equity risk premium [Aswath Damodaran]

On equities versus bonds [FT]

Why stocks are riskier than you think [WSJ]

On Mitt Romney's hedge fund backers [Fortune]

Psychology of Intelligence Analysis [Central Intelligence Agency]

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