Chris Mayer's Presentation on Charter Financial & Pulse Seismic: Value Investing Congress ~ market folly

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Chris Mayer's Presentation on Charter Financial & Pulse Seismic: Value Investing Congress

We're posting up notes from the 2013 Value Investing Congress in New York.  Next up is Chris Mayer of Capital & Crisis.  He presented "People Not Personnel - The Case For Owner Operators" and pitched .

Chris Mayer's Value Investing Congress Presentation


Newsletter writer.  16.7% annual return since 2004.  12.3% annual on Special Situations (small cap names) since 2006. 

3000 public companies, ahead of the tax increase, only 225 paid special dividends.  They had an average of 25% insider ownership!

Likes small banks:
PEOP, FXCB, VPFG, RCKB, IROQ, MCBK, MLVF, HTBI, BNCL, NFBK, FCNCA.  (A lot of recent thrift conversions).  Typical process: Mutual company goes public, with lots of cash, buybacks, pays dividends, sell to acquirer at a premium.

Charter Financial (CHFN) 

Small, 22.7M shares out, $10.29 per share.  $12.05 TBV.  P/TBV is 85%, reasonable.  Based in Georgia - weak market.  They've bought 4 failed banks.  Similar plays: NFBK, BNCL.

Pulse Seismic (PSD)

Traded in Toronto. Based in Calgary, owns seismic data which is essential for oil and gas E&P companies.  Canadian maps.  

Says earnings understated because the amortize the survey costs.  Trades for 10x FCF, during low natural gas prices.  Shareholder friendly ownership.  Main downside is lumpy/unpredictable data sales.

Be sure to check out the other presentations from the New York VIC here.