What We're Reading ~ Analytical Links 2/12/14 ~ market folly

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What We're Reading ~ Analytical Links 2/12/14

The single best metric: EV/EBITDA [Crossing Wall Street]

Why margin debt matters [Seeking Alpha]

What I learned at the mall about investing [Institutional Investor]

Half of Americans can't raise $2k in 30 days [Time]

Get ready for a long proxy fight over Time Warner Cable [Dealbook]

John Maynard Keynes' own portfolio not too dismal [NYTimes]

Don't believe the tech bubble hype [Andreessen Horowitz]

US switching from credit card signatures to PINs, but banks need to get on board [Verge]

Investor group targets Ocwen's mortgage servicing practices [FT]

Microsoft's mobile muddle [Stratechery]

Two notable mutual fund trends [AAII]

Why ADT is appalling [Herb Greenberg]

How Mulberry got squashed in fashion's squeezed middle [The Guardian]

Coca Cola: glass less than half full [FT]

On an upturn in capital spending [FT]

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