What We're Reading ~ Analytical Links 3/19/14 ~ market folly

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What We're Reading ~ Analytical Links 3/19/14

Meb Faber's new book: Global Value [Amazon]

Why we're awful at assessing risk [Morgan Housel]

Short sellers' new favorite platform: Twitter [Buzzfeed]

The most important economic chart [House of Debt]

America's weird enduring love affair with cars and houses [Atlantic]

Addressing growing student debt [Econbrowser]

One little watched indicator for rising rates is flashing red [Investment News]

Saving, lending and tapering combine in perfect storm [Scott Grannis]

Hertz is in the driver's seat [Barrons]

American Express to spin off business travel unit [Bloomberg]

On CBS' IPO of its Americas Outdoor unit [Hollywood Reporter]

Assessing risk in China's shadow banking system [Triple Crisis]

What if all of Africa was as digital as Kenya? [Financial Access]

Russian richest face margin calls with billions at stake [Bloomberg]

Uh, warning sign? 3 reasons to tap home equity to buy stocks [MSN Money]

An interview with Bill Gates [Rolling Stone]

Interview with Apple's Jonathan Ive [Time]