American hedge fund assets hit all-time peak [HF Intelligence]
Tiger Global leads Wall Street pack turning to Silicon Valley [Reuters]
Ben Bernanke dines with hedge fund managers in New York [Forbes]
Hedge funds say it's a stock pickers' market [CNBC]
Apparently there is a 'goldilocks' hedge fund size [Business Insider]
John Paulson is back in the mortgage business [CNBC]
For a new breed of activist investors, tipping others is part of the playbook [WSJ]
Institutional investors lose chasing high hedge fund returns [Financial Standard]
US hedge funds bet on European recovery [The Australian]
UK's largest hedge funds get bigger with 82% of assets [Bloomberg]
Barington Capital asks Darden to consider replacing CEO [HedgeWorld]
Blackstone to reduce stake in SeaWorld [Dealbook]
Lampert stops accepting IOUs from Sears as cash burns [Bloomberg]
Hurt in crisis, TPG pursues smaller deals [Dealbook]
Friday, March 28, 2014
What We're Reading ~ Hedge Fund Links 3/28/14
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