Jeff Ubben on Valeant Pharmaceuticals and Microsoft: Interview ~ market folly

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Jeff Ubben on Valeant Pharmaceuticals and Microsoft: Interview

ValueAct Capital's Jeff Ubben appeared on CNBC today to talk about some of his positions.  The activist investor talked about his stakes in Microsoft (MSFT) as well as his long-term holding in Valeant Pharmaceuticals (VRX), which is in the news today in a big way.

Late yesterday, we flagged that Pershing Square had acquired an Allergan stake and was working with Valeant to propose a merger.

Ubben highlights how ValueAct's Mason Morfit joined VRX's board in 2007 and so this has been a long-term play for them as they have huge confidence in CEO Mike Pearson.  Ubben says, "Allergan and Valeant are a perfect match."

He then talked about Microsoft (MSFT) and Ubben thinks new CEO Satya Nadella's interests are aligned with theirs.

Embedded below are the videos of Jeff Ubben's interview with David Faber:

Video 1 on VRX

Video 2 on MSFT

You can view some of ValueAct's recent portfolio activity here.