Market valuation overview: yet more expensive? [Advisor Perspectives]
Lessons learned on finance, investing and more [Morgan Housel]
A look at Admiral Plc [Value and Opportunity]
Why millennials should try their luck in Mexico [BlackRock]
Slide deck on the emerging global web [View From the Blue Ridge]
Why smart people struggle with strategy [Harvard Business Review]
A look at Capital Group's Gordon Crawford [American Funds]
Why you have way too much invested in US stocks [Advisor Perspectives]
Don't do what you love, do what you do [Harvard Business Review]
AIG's collapse: the part nobody likes to talk about [American Banker]
Is Silicon Valley the future of finance? [NYMag]
A look at Apple under Tim Cook [Daring Fireball]
On Google's Skybox acquisition [WSJ]
The age of transformation [Mauldin]
Why China doesn't want to be number one [East Asia Forum]
Don't worry about illiquidity, worry about being right [MicroCapClub]
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
What We're Reading ~ Analytical Links 6/18/14
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