What We're Reading ~ Analytical Links 1/7/14 ~ market folly

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What We're Reading ~ Analytical Links 1/7/14

The simple concept of intrinsic value [Base Hit Investing]

Distinguishing skill from luck [Economist]

The 2015 sleeper ideas list: trends, stocks & private companies [Forbes]

The 2015 buy list [Crossing Wall Street]

The danger of 1-year performance numbers [Wealth of Common Sense]

The best and worst investments they ever made [WSJ]

Investing advice for my son [Clear Eyes Investing]

A look at the upcoming Shake Shack IPO [Brooklyn Investor]

What happened when Marissa Mayer tried to be Steve Jobs [NYTimes]

China's video hosting sites see boom times [FT]

WaMu's $600m private rebirth [Seeking Alpha]

The conventional wisdom on oil is always wrong [Five Thirty Eight]

Why gas feels cheap and why it's not historically [WSJ]

Endangered species: young US entrepreneurs [WSJ]

ESPN without cable? For $20 it's a reality [Atlantic]

CEO's predictions on what's next in wireless [T-Mobile]

The economics (and nostalgia) of dead malls [NYTimes]

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