Short Selling: Cleaning Up After Elephants By Guy Judkowski ~ market folly

Friday, February 6, 2015

Short Selling: Cleaning Up After Elephants By Guy Judkowski

Guy Judkowski, managing member of Waterloo International Advisors, LLC, has authored a piece entitled, Short Selling: Cleaning Up After Elephants, An Investor's Guide to Wall Street's Toughest Job.  He released it on his website here.

He co-managed a short-biased hedge fund for 13 years and has published short sell reports for over 20 years.  His piece looks at numerous case studies including Fruit of the Loom (FTL), Alpharma (ALO), Fossil (FOSL), American Italian Pasta (AIPC), Serologicals (SERO), Orthodontic Centers of America (OCA), Safeskin (SFSK).

Additionally, he highlights certain metrics and patterns to look for in shorts. 

Embedded below is the short selling guide, Cleaning Up After Elephants:

You can download the .pdf here.