Panic among hedge fund investors in Greece [NYTimes]
Citadel preps new stock-picking unit [WSJ]
John Paulson riding healthcare with new fund [CNBC]
Profile of Oaktree's Howard Marks [Observer]
Where Coatue is betting these days [CNBC]
Ackman's Pershing Square raising up to $1b in senior notes [FINalternatives]
Hedge funds score big gains [WSJ]
Brevan Howard grooming managers in-house [Bloomberg]
The silent hedge fund apocalypse [FT Alphaville]
Why some 'Tiger Cub' hedge funds are shutting down [CNBC]
Paul Tudor Jones forms LaunchPad to train traders [FINalternatives]
Hedge funds boost investment in Credit Karma [FINalternatives]
Hedge funds for masses lose shine [Bloomberg]