Avoiding process drift [A Wealth of Common Sense]
GOOG: Do you trust Larry Page? [Stratechery]
Giving Google room to dream big [NYTimes]
Pichai tapped to run restructured Google within Alphabet [Bloomberg]
Inside SoftBank's struggle to turn around Sprint [WSJ]
A short seller's new target: Canadian housing [Globe and Mail]
Quick pitch on Nationstar (NSM) [Oozing Alpha]
A look at Mondelez [Brooklyn Investor]
And another Mondelez analysis [Elevation Capital]
How baseball's tech team built the future of television [TheVerge]
Ad woes pummel TV firms [WSJ]
Why Disney and ESPN will be OK [Stratechery]
Alan Greenspan sees pending bond market bubble [Bloomberg]
Investors find ways to indirectly profit from start-ups [NYTimes]
IACI: Tinder and the dawn of the dating apocalypse [Vanity Fair]
Why streaming services are so secretive [Bloomberg View]
A profile of Exor's John Elkann [NYTimes]
The power of admitting your own errors [WSJ]
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
What We're Reading ~ 8/12/15
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