Ed Thorp's new book: A Man for All Markets [Ed Thorp]
Seth Klarman weighs in on Trump [NYTimes]
Homeownership rate in 2016 was lowest in 50 years [Corelogic]
US household debts climbed in 2016 by most in a decade [WSJ]
Income share for the bottom 50% of Americans is collapsing [Marketwatch]
On the downfall of Toshiba, a nuclear industry titan [FT]
This free range short seller is making his comeback [Bloomberg]
Does Chipotle's valuation offer a margin of safety? [Rational Walk]
A whirlwind tour through trends in China [Andreessen Horowitz]
Beware Sears's zombie apocalypse [Bloomberg]
Inside Sears' death spiral [Business Insider]
Jeff Bezos wants Amazon to be the next HBO, Showtime [NYPost]
Tim Cook says augmented reality is a big idea like the smartphone [The Verge]
Bill Gates 2017 annual letter [GatesNotes]
Thursday, February 16, 2017
What We're Reading ~ 2/16/17
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